Rabu, 13 Juli 2016

Blog's Table of Contents

Hello~ How's your semester? Uhhh unfortunately, one of our admin GPA's decreased this semester T.T Yeah we know exactly its harder to maintain than receive an excellent GPA. For you who suffer from decreased GPA, no problem! Life must go on and fight for the next semester!

Now, first of all we want to say Thanks a lot for those who already visited this blog. We hope our post can help you reaching your best score! Ayeyy!

Second, we want to tell you about, what's including in our web? We sure that some of viewers didn't know our services (?) haha

So, this is our table of contents!

  1. Ask Homework. We provide a question and answerfrom your homework or anything else, relating to economics subject, such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, statistical, mathematics for economics, everything. We will try to answer your question. You can submit your homework into our google form. Navigate you pointer to Home dropdown menu, then you will find Ask Homework, click this and you will redirected to our google form. Then, fill the form with your question. Simple, right?
  2. Question and answer. If you cannot patient enough to wait our reply for your ask homework, you can browse this category. Who knows, maybe you have a same question? So, this category shows you questions that we have done. Same as Ask Homework, you can find this category in home section, below Ask Homework
  3. College Life. Yeah, sometimes we need to share each other thoughts during study. We will share our thoughts and 
  4. Article. Economics, we use it everyday. Its not just us, there are so many problems solved by economics theory and application. But as an higher education student, we exactly ever thinks or  maybe we got hopeless with the solution. So we made this section to response or criticize government or human-social being and don't worry! you can post your thoughts, too!

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